Adeniran Akanni

Adeniran Akanni
Head of the Environmental Planning Unit - Lagos State Ministry of Environment and Water Resources
Adeniran Akanni holds a Master of Science degree in Environmental Governance with specialization in Biodiversity from the United Nations University-Institute of Advanced Studies for Sustainability (UNU-IAS), Japan and a postgraduate certificate in Urban Environmental Governance from Technical University of Dresden, Federal Republic of Germany.
Adeniran currently heads Environmental Planning Unit within the Lagos State Ministry of Environment and Water Resources in Nigeria where he coordinates sustainable development planning. His work cuts across policy development, implementation and monitoring activities in the field of environment generally. He manages natural development nexus from the view of land-use/land use change, water, energy, biodiversity as well as climate change. He specializes in Science-policy interface in this complex nexus.
Adeniran is a member of IUCN Urban Alliance Technical Expert Group for the development of Urban Nature Index(UNI) and a member of Intergovernmental Group on Earth Observation Biodiversity Observation Network(GEOBON).